The life and times of a twenty-something college grad trying to figure out life while traveling the world and grieving the loss of her mother. Watch the journey unfold.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Dear Morgan

Hi Mama. I decided to keep my note short to you tonight. I have dedicated my travel blog to be letters to you, but tonight I need to write a letter to my beautiful friend Morgan. I can't believe it's already been a month today, Mom. I don't understand how time has gone that fast. I feel as if time is suspended around me, but as I've mentioned before the world still keeps turning even though you're gone. I'm trying to be strong for you. I love you so much.

Dear Morgan,

Just as I am in disbelief of it being a month since my mom left us, it is hard for me to believe it has been almost six months since you left us. Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about your smiling face. You have been especially on my mind today, as I know The Studio did something special to celebrate your life at the recital tonight. I wish more than anything that I could have been there..

I have learned these past several months how fleeting life is--what a gift it is, and how important it is to celebrate every moment we have. In a moment everything can change. You certainly lived your life that way, Morgan. I never saw you without a smile on your face. You truly appreciated every day of life you had. There wasn't one of us who didn't learn from you what it meant to truly live and love.

I have found myself struggling to understand why you were taken so soon. I have found myself struggling to understand why my mom was taken as well. I know we lost touch since I went to college, but we used to be very close. You were always the glue that held everyone together. You were the ray of sunshine in everyone's day. You were there for me during what was at that point the hardest time of my life. You always inspired me to be a better dancer and a better person. Nothing could describe your grace and beauty, Morgan. Watching you perform, whether on stage or simply in class, was like watching an angel on Earth...which I think we have all discovered, is what you truly were.

I carry you with me every day, Morgan. I feel your presence and I use it to strive to be better in my life. I have made sure to take a moment in every place of worship I've visited during my travels thus far to light a candle when I can, or at least have a moment of thought, reflection, and prayer for you.

You are so loved, beautiful girl. You touched so many lives. Keep shining down on us...I know there are a lot of people who could use your warmth and love. I miss you everyday, and I hope I'm making you proud.

So much love,

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