The life and times of a twenty-something college grad trying to figure out life while traveling the world and grieving the loss of her mother. Watch the journey unfold.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Costa Rica: Day 3

Well, Mama, my time in Costa Rica is coming to an end. I fly out of here at 6am, and I'm heading to the airport at 3:30. I had quite the day today. Soe and I were picked up at 5:50am by our tour guides, and we proceeded to see the best of Costa Rica! Our first stop was at a coffee plantation, where we learned about how coffee was made. The particular plantation we went to was actually where Starbucks purchases 95% of their coffee from, which I thought was really interesting! I know how much you loved your Starbucks, Mama. I got to see where it came from! After the plantation we headed to our next destination, which involved hiking a volcano! I am blanking at the name of the particular volcano, but it was beautiful! I got to see an active crater and an extinct crater. This was a first for me, as I've never actually climbed a volcano before! It was beautiful. From the volcano, we headed to our next destination: La Paz Waterfall Gardens, and boy were they incredible! Not only were there waterfalls, but there was also a conservatory with butterflies, birds, jungle cats, frogs, snakes, orchids, and incredible wildlife. It was amazing, Mom. It was a photographer's paradise. You would have been in heaven (no pun intended...). As I stood in the room with butterflies flying all around me, I felt such peace. I felt a calm that I have not felt since you left us, other than at the beach in Ecuador. I know you were with me and the butterflies. I could feel your presence. We were able to eat a delicious feast at La Paz, and I definitely got my Costa Rican food fix. We finally arrived back at our hostel around 6:30pm. It has been a very long day. I need to get to bed ASAP as I have to get up in 5 hours.

I'm really missing you, Mom, but I've found that sharing my story with those I meet along my journey has really helped. There's something very healing about it. I have a lot more that I want to say, but I know if I don't go to bed right this minute I will never make it to the airport. I love you more than anything in the entire world, Mom. Enjoy some pictures from my day.

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