The life and times of a twenty-something college grad trying to figure out life while traveling the world and grieving the loss of her mother. Watch the journey unfold.

Monday, July 25, 2011

"If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you follow them?" Yes.

That is EXACTLY how my day went today.
I did the most out-of-character, terrifying, and liberating thing I have EVER done in my life: I went bungee jumping. I jumped off of a ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY foot bridge on a highway over the Black Sea. I have never been more scared than the moment when I was standing on that railing unsure whether I should jump or not. I decided to take a leap of faith and just go. Those few seconds of freefalling that seemed to go on forever were incredible. The fear was taken over by a surge of adrenaline, and I just floated. It was so unbelievably liberating. Not only was it liberating in the sense that I overcame my fear of falling, but in so many other ways as well. I literally put everything aside and took a huge leap of faith, letting everything else around me go. This is exactly where I am with my life right now, and it was a nice physical representation.
As terrifying as it was, I had a blast, and I'm very glad I actually got peer pressured into doing it, despite my reluctance. I feel on top of the world right now.
You can start breathing again, Mom and Dad! I'm alive!
OH ALSO...because I'm Alissa and my life is ridiculous, of course I couldn't go bungee jumping without something ridiculous happening. MY SHOE FELL OFF while I was bungee jumping. My gym shoe! It was literally dangling off my foot and I had to grab it once I was swinging upside down waiting for them to pull me up. I thought it was for sure going to end up in the sea, but somehow I managed to get ahold of it!
Now it's time for dinner, shower, and adventuring in Bulgaria!

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