The life and times of a twenty-something college grad trying to figure out life while traveling the world and grieving the loss of her mother. Watch the journey unfold.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Tokyo: Shinjuku

Hi, Mom. Today was a very laid back today. I initially woke up at FOUR THIRTY AM because that's when the sun came up...isn't that insanely early for the sun to be rising? I managed to go back to sleep for a little while a least. Momoko made French toast for breakfast, which was absolutely perfect because I woke up wanting French toast! What are the chances! You always made me French toast. I smiled and thought of you. Momoko's sister Hanako (I think that's how it is spelled) and I went on adventure to the cat sanctuary right by their house! CATS IN TOKYO!!! We got to play with the kitties!!! There were so many cute little baby kittens! There was one that looked exactly like Bella when we got her at the shelter. I was in heaven playing with all the kitty cats!

Once we were done, Hanako and I parted ways, and I headed to the train station to go into Shinjuku. Shinjuku station is the largest train/subway station in the world. Approximately 4 million people go through it each day, and I witnessed it for sure. It was absolute chaos. It was exciting being a part of the rush though! I walked out of the station and headed to the Shinjuku-Chuo park. It was beautiful, so serene. I walked around and sat down on a bench and ate my snack. It was a very peaceful place. I enjoyed it. It was a nice contrast to the hustle and bustle of the city. I wandered around Shinjuku after the park, got lost, magically ended up back at the station, and headed back to my homestay.

I made some observations about Japan that I forgot to mention yesterday:
1. If people have a cold, they wear a face mask. Millions of people walk around with face masks on as if it is no big deal.
2. I have come across Cadillac and Fiat bicycles. Yes, bicycles. Clearly there's a market here.
3. When eating noodles or soup it is polite to slurp. It means that you're enjoying it. I felt like I was sitting in a restaurant full of 7 year olds.
4. You know how people always make fun of how Japanese people pronounce R's as L's (eg. friend lice)? Well I always thought this was because they could not pronounce the R sound. This is not the case! R in Japanese is pronounced like an L! They are capable of pronouncing R's, it's just that when they see an R they immediately think L. Very interesting. Momoko and Hanako gave me a lesson on the Japanese alphabet today. The language makes a lot more sense than I thought it did.
5. At Starbucks, Tall is not the smallest size! They have a "Short" here in Japan, and it is itty bitty!
6. Japanese people are the most beautiful people on the planet...both in personality and in appearance.
8. I showed Momoko and Hanako a picture of our house, and they said, "Wow! That is so big!" I thought that was funny because in American standards our house is tiny.
9. I miss you, Mom.

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