The life and times of a twenty-something college grad trying to figure out life while traveling the world and grieving the loss of her mother. Watch the journey unfold.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Some More Pictures

(my family...Mike, me, Megan, Dottie, Kiley, and Ed)

(at dinner in Dubrovnik, Gwen, Kendra, me, Craig, Lindsay, Jeff, and Caroline)

(cutest kitten ever in Istanbul)

(dinner on a pirate ship in Bulgaria...Lindsay, me, Kendra, Caroline)

(inside the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul...Jill, Caroline, Kendra, Lindsay, me)

(Mykonos, Greece)

(the ridiculous scooter truck in and that large man both sat in the front...)

(crossing under the Bosphorus bridge...Caroline, Lindsay, Craig, Kendra, Jeff, me)

(kitty cat in a store in Athens that looked like my Bella)

(fresh Greek yogurt with Amanda)

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