The life and times of a twenty-something college grad trying to figure out life while traveling the world and grieving the loss of her mother. Watch the journey unfold.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Love is...

My supervisor Drew, who is also an LLC, was going around today getting people to write "Love is..." and then their definition of what love is on these pieces of paper. He is the Intercultural Competency and Diversity LLC on the ship, so as one of his programs he's making a wall that says, "Love is not a man and a woman. Love is..." and then it has everybody's responses under it. I think that is so cool. I saw some people's responses, and they ranged from serious to funny to sad. I'm really exciting to see it all together. I wrote, "Love is...accepting yourself for who you are." Drew told me it was really good. That made me smile.
I survived the Hunger Banquet, having only rice and water until late night snack time (which was past the 24 hour mark). It went well, and I was able to educate quite a few people about why I was doing what I was doing. There was a relatively good turnout for those who were participating.
Today was really busy in terms of work. I had a stack of letters to address and deliver to people's doors. There was literally about 75. It took me quite some time to deliver them all, but it was a nice workout! I had to then compose an email and sent it out to this list of people, and I have to make two more to send at various times tomorrow.
In Race, Class, and Gender today we watched a video called "Class Dismissed" about television's influence on people's ideas of class, as well as other identities. It was definitely interesting.
I was not able to have my dinner with Staci tonight because she was really sick. Hopefully we will be able to get together tomorrow.
Sorry this was not a very good blog post. Today was not a very exciting day overall. Hopefully tomorrow will be. It is our last day at sea before Morocco, which is exciting, but also terrifying at the same time since Morocco is our last port. I'm trying not to think about it.

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