The life and times of a twenty-something college grad trying to figure out life while traveling the world and grieving the loss of her mother. Watch the journey unfold.

Friday, August 5, 2011

SAS Talent Show, Hunger Hurts, & Our CLEAN Cabin

Great news!!! I got an 86 on my Global Studies exam!! Normally I would not be this thrilled about that grade, but because it is Global Studies and I thought I failed it, I am very pleased.
I am so stressed out with school. I have so much work and so little time. So many papers...
As of tomorrow, there will only be 2 weeks left of my voyage. I can't think about it or I'll start crying. I can't believe it really is almost over. What a whirlwind this summer has been. I have never missed anything the way I will miss this once it's gone. Ths is the most special place with the most special people. My heart lives here.
Tonight was the SAS Talent Show, and it was so much fun. There were all kinds of acts...singers, dancers, slam poets, commedians, skits, kids, students, adults. It was great. I had such a great time. I love the events where the whole ship is in the Union, and you can feel the sense of community. It's wonderful.
Until 7pm tomorrow I will be unable to eat or drink anything other than rice and water. I am participating in a Hunger Banquet to raise awareness for the large population across the world that goes hungry everyday. The main problem is that I'm already hungry, and I won't be able to eat until lunch tomorrow because knowing me I will sleep through breakfast. The other problem is that I'm supposed to get dinner with Staci tomorrow, and it's kind of a bummer than I can't get real food or a glass of wine. I'll survive though. It's for the starving children of the world. I have a really cool sticker that my supervisor Drew made with the SAS logo on it and big bold letters saying, "HUNGER HURTS." It's supposed to get people's attention so I can spread awareness about the cause.
ALSO...BREAKING NEWS!!! CABIN 4138 IS CLEAN FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY!!! Kendra, Amanda, and I went to work last night and cleaned the entire cabin. It is amazing. We have a floor, a desk, a table, and a nightstand!! Who would have known those were there under the piles of stuff? Edwin, our cabin steward, was so proud. He is getting off the ship in Morocco (the crew works for 9 month periods and then they get some time off), to go back home to the Filipines to be with his family. I am going to miss him very much. He is absolutely the sweetest man, not to mention everything he puts up with between me and my roommates. Edwin is also the world's best bed maker. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself when I don't have him to make my bed for me anymore.
Oh! And also! Today I made my favorite purchase of the trip from the campus store!!!! I got a stuffed MV Explorer!! It's like a stuffed animal, but it's my ship! It looks just like it too! I felt like I was 4 years old with the giant smile I had on my face when I bought it, but I don't care because it's awesome. It will be nice to have when I'm missing SAS. I love my little stuffed ship!
We're gaining another hour tonight, which is great. I am loving the amount of sleep I am getting. I would be down with 25 hour days all the time.

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