The life and times of a twenty-something college grad trying to figure out life while traveling the world and grieving the loss of her mother. Watch the journey unfold.

Friday, June 24, 2011

My Youtube Debut, Global Studies, and Gibraltar

My dad emailed me today and told me that he found me in a video SAS posted online! How funny! I have not seen it, as we don't have access to videos on the ship. Apparently I'm somewhere around 2:55. Hopefully I don't look too embarrassing. I tend to always get caught at the worst times. I'm going to try to watch it when I get to Spain. Here is the link if you want to check it out:
(Sorry that is so long...I can't hyperlink it in an email, and I've been updating my blog through my free SAS email account)
Today was a good day. It was our first "family dinner" for our extended families. I had a great time. My family was so cute. We're going to be getting together periodically thoughout the voyage. I'm excited. My "grandma" is absolutely adorable. I am so excited that she lives in St. Charles, IL.
I've been studying for my Global Studies exam tomorrow. I'm less worried than I was before, but I tend to freak out about exams in general, so it'll be nice when it is over.
Exciting news! Tomorrow we are bunkering in Gibraltar!!! LAND!!!! Unfortunately, we are not allowed off the ship, but we will be stopping in Gibraltar to bunker (get fuel). The really neat thing is that the Straits of Gibraltar is only 8 miles wide, so we will clearly be able to see the Rock of Gibralter on one side of us and Africa on the other side!!! I can't wait to take pictures. I learned that the Rock of Gibralter is in "Spain", but it is British territory, so technically it is not in Spain afterall. I thought that was interesting! From what I understand, we will be arriving there around 8am tomorrow!
Tonight we are moving the clocks forward for the last time tonight! It will have been 6 consecutive days of losing an hour. I'm looking forward to finally being on a schedule and not feeling like a zombie everyday.
The ship has been extremely rocky today. At one point, I was laying in my bed, and the ship was swaying so much that my drawers were opening and closing!
I need to get back to studying and then get to sleep. I have to get up nice and early for the bunkering and to study some more!

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