The life and times of a twenty-something college grad trying to figure out life while traveling the world and grieving the loss of her mother. Watch the journey unfold.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Beijing: The Great Wall

Trying to get you updated, Mama. Monday, my last full day in Beijing I spent climbing the Great Wall! Can you believe it, Mom?? The Great Wall! That is something people dream of seeing, and I was there! It was unbelievable. It really took my breath away (both with it's beauty...and with the steep stairs and my asthma!). I did a guided tour, and they took us to the Badaling section of the wall, which is supposedly the easiest to climb. I don't want to know what the other sections were like if this was the easiest! The Great Wall was surrounded by mountains covered in trees and other greens. It wound around and went up and down. It was spectacular. I climbed to the top, and scattered some of your ashes off of the wall. I don't think there could have been a more incredible place to leave you. I know you'll love it there. Oh! I almost forgot! The funniest thing happened! I was getting ready to take a picture at the top, and I was all posed, when suddenly two Chinese women jumped in my picture! I was so taken by surprise! After they got in my picture, they each made me take a picture with them. It was so funny. It was because I have pale skin and blue eyes, and that is not something they see in their everyday life. A couple other people asked me to take pictures with them or even just of me by myself along the way. I thought it was so strange, but then I realized it was exactly the same concept of people asking to take pictures of the women in Guatemala wearing the traditional clothing or anything like that.

After the Great Wall they took us to a silk museum, where we learned how silk is made. It's pretty fascinating actually and somewhat's made from worms. I hate worms. Naturally, the silk museum ended in a silk store, which was clearly a tourist trap to get us to buy something. I'm not going to say I "fell for it" because I wasn't tricked, I made the conscious decision to purchase something. You know how sensitive I am to textures, especially of blankets. You always made sure to get me things that were textures that I liked and found comforting. Well, I decided to get a silk blanket and cover because 1. Aunt Muffy gave me money for my birthday and told me to buy something beautiful, and 2. I thought I would get something really special with a good texture to keep me comfort when I'm missing you. It's so beautiful, Mom. The cover is a pastel blue/purple with flowers on it. I have a hard time spending money on myself, especially with expensive things. I'm still partially feeling guilty about this purchase, but it's beautiful, and I know you'd love it. I'll think about my journey this summer and about you every time I snuggle up in it.

My final day in China was spent going out to lunch with Kui and Emma before heading to the airport. Kui wanted to make sure that I had Peking duck before I left Beijing. It was extremely delicious. I said my goodbyes, and headed off to the airport for my next adventure: Hong Kong!

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