The life and times of a twenty-something college grad trying to figure out life while traveling the world and grieving the loss of her mother. Watch the journey unfold.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Week One in the Philippines

Hi, Mama! Sorry I’m a little behind on updating. I can’t believe I’ve already been in Tacloban for a week now. I forgot how quickly time flies here…which is strange considering the fact that everyone operates on “Filipino Time.” Nobody is in a rush to do anything here. Events typically start 1.5+ hours after scheduled.

Things are going really well here. I have fallen right back into the swing of things, and I am once again reminded of how deeply in love I fell with this place. I don’t think I have ever felt the way that I do when I’m here. It’s so special. I’m not sure that I could even describe it. It’s just a feeling inside me of how right everything is.

Over the weekend there was a major event for VFV. The founder (an American) and his family came to Tacloban to visit, so there was a big reception for him. A slideshow was presented, which displayed the updates and the happenings of the past year at VFV. The sponsored children put on several performances, including singing, dancing (both hip hop and traditional Filipino dances), and some acting. There were several games with chances to win prizes, and there was a large buffet style lunch. Overall, it was a really nice event.

The past couple days at Regional Haven have been going smoothly. My girls inspire me and amaze me every day. They are incredible, Mom. I can’t even begin to fathom the trauma these girls have faced, and the fact that they are so joyous when they see me every day still blows my mind. I am so proud of them, Mom, and I know you are too.

I’ve started to get pretty close to another volunteer named Emma (from England). She is rather quiet, but very friendly. I like her a lot. We’ve started a ritual of going to Café Lucia in the afternoons after we get back from our placements (she’s a nutrition volunteer). We usually get a smoothie or something and relax. I work on my computer and she reads her magazines. It’s a nice addition to my day, and I look forward to it after working with my girls. In fact, we are at Café Lucia right now! It is time for me to get going though. Emma has finished her magazine. Time to head back for dinner. Miss you, Mama. Love you.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Reunited with Tacloban City

Hello from Tacloban City, Mom! I have been met with the warmest of reunions! Ester, one of the VFV staff members (and one of the sweetest, kindest people you could ever meet) picked me up from the airport this afternoon. We hopped on the jeepney and headed to Bliss (isn't it amazing that the neighborhood VFV/the homestays are in is called Bliss?), where as soon as I was outside the doors of Volunteer for the Visayans all of the local girls came running outside to give me a hug. It was pretty funny actually--a large group of girls all flocking at me at once. I then went upstairs and saw all of the VFV staff, reuniting with the ones I knew and meeting the ones who joined the team in the past year. One of the staff members, Leoma, is incredibly pregnant and about to pop any minute. I can't wait to see her baby! I then got to go see my homestay family, which was like being reunited with my own family. Ate Mary Ann was smiling as always and Budoy (my little brother) was being silly. Rafiah (my little sister) and Kuya Rey were not home yet, but they came later. In fact, we were eating dinner when Rafiah got home, and she came running into the house screaming, "Ate!!!!" It was so cute! Ate Mary Ann told me that Budoy has been looking at the calendar for days waiting for it to be June 5th. She said he woke her up early in the morning yelling, "Mama! It's June 5th!!" So sweet.

Today I went to Regional Haven for my orientation, which pretty much consisted of the staff telling me that I already know what I'm doing. Out of the 17 girls I worked with last year, only 5 of them are still here. As sad as I am to not be able to see a lot of them again, I am even more happy that they were discharged and able to go home. A couple of the girls, who I was particularly close with last year, surprised me with this sign in the entryway of Regional Haven.

Their faces are blurred out for their protection. The sign says, "Welcome back Ate Alissa! Congrats! We are all proud of you! From RH Clients and Staff." They also printed out pictures of me and put them on there as well. It was such a nice surprise. I was so unbelievably happy. They kept going on and on about how proud they were of me for graduating college and for graduating cum laude. The girls there seriously have the kindest hearts anyone could imagine. I can't even begin to describe how amazing it feels to see them again. The moment I walked in, I was instantly reminded of why they stole my heart in the first place.

I've met some of the other volunteers as well, and they seem to be really nice. It's very strange being here with an entirely different set of volunteers, especially without Ligaya and Melissa. Everyone I've seen has said to me, "Where's Ligaya? Where's Melissa?" The three of us were so close last year, pretty much attached at the hips, and clearly the locals remembered that. It's certainly going to be a different experience here without them, but I know I'll make another set of good friends.

Ate Mary Ann made bangus (milkfish) for me for dinner tonight, which she knows is my absolute favorite Filipino dish. I feel spoiled already.

I'm exhausted from traveling, getting reacquainted, and adjusting to the 12 hour time difference. Time for this girl to get some sleep (even if it is only 8pm...).

I am in Bliss, Mama. Literally.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I'm Back in the Philippines!

Hi, Mama! Quick note--just wanted to let you know that I have made it back to the Philippines! It's been quite a long journey (Cincinnati to Chicago to Tokyo to Manila). I'm spending the night in Manila tonight and flying down to Tacloban tomorrow! I am so excited I can barely contain myself! I felt the heat the moment I stepped off the airplane--I knew I was in the Philippines! I plan to get a good night's sleep tonight before heading out tomorrow. I'll write more once I get settled in! Love you!