The life and times of a twenty-something college grad trying to figure out life while traveling the world and grieving the loss of her mother. Watch the journey unfold.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

What a Wonderful Day

Today has been a GREAT day!
I got a 92 on my Global Studies exam!!!!! I am THRILLED! Most people got C's/B's, so I'm feeling really good. My adolesence exam wasn't too bad. There were a few questions I was a little confused about, but overall I think it went well too.
I got my claws out in Race, Class, and Gender today. Some girl said that she thought women should be paid less because they have to leave work to have kids. She also said that women should be paid less because men have riskier jobs, such as construction, while women are in education and nursing. I couldn't believe that came from a woman. It was really shocking to me. My hand immediately whipped into the air. I made my points that not all women plan to have children, men could also stay home with the baby, and that women work in construction and vice versa.
Tonight was the first Dancers Club meeting!!! It made me SO happy!! There were people who did all different kinds of dance, even some I had never heard of. We're going to be doing different types each meeting. I also found some girls who really like tap, and even though we don't have our tap shoes, we're going to get together and tap. I'm so so so excited!! I miss dance so incredibly much, more than I realized I did. Tonight I felt alive in a part of myself that I haven't in a very long time. I'm going to be sad when I get back to Aurora and there's nowhere for me to dance.
The sunset tonight was the most breath-taking sight. I have never seen anything like it in my life. It didn't seem real. It didn't seem like anything that beautiful could happen in real life. The sun was firey red, surrounded by a blur of plum and tangerine amidst the powder blue sky. The ocean was still, nothing but gentle ripples. It moved and looked like silk. Near the boat the water was a deep navy, but out in the distance it was this glowing icy light blue. The light of the sun reflected off of the water, making it sparkle. Stunning. Absolutely stunning. I will post a picture of it ASAP.
I know I talk about this all the time, but I seriously can not mention it enough. I love my roommates so much. We are all so different, and yet we are a perfect match. I know the three of us will be lifelong friends.
When I wake up in the morning I will be in Barcelona. That is so surreal. My friends and I have set up some plans, and I can't wait to start exploring! Watch out, Spain, here I come!

1 comment:

  1. Your comments in your Race, Class, and Gender class make me proud. Great points made in response to that other student's sexist comment. Isn't it funny how construction jobs are considered riskier but people rarely argue that education or nursing jobs are more important? Isn't that the argument we make when men dominate a profession?
